
Dr. Isha Bihari

Assistant Professor

Research Repository

Google Scholar
Research Gate

Research Statement

As a sociologist, I am fascinated by the field of futurology and especially the evolving dynamics of a workplace and people’s lifestyles. Given the intricacies between technology and society, my research focus is to unravel the multifaceted impacts of their interaction.

I am hoping to gain fresh perspectives and explore unchartered territories to contribute meaningfully to the sociological discourse. Exploring the socio-psychological complexities of everyday encounters, challenging the status quo, and venturing into new realms of ideas excites me. The world is constantly transforming, as do the means to critically analyze the same and as a sociologist, it is critical to contribute to the same.


Research-led Course (AC60001)
Advanced Writing (AC60002)
Critical Thinking (AC60003)
Research-led Course (AC60004)
Sustainable Development Goals (DP50403)

Introduction to Sociology (CP20003)
Indian Culture and Society (CP20006)
Introduction to Economics (FC10007)
Principles of Macroeconomics (CP20002)
Macroeconomic Environment (CM20002)
Photography (Advisory Non-Taught)

Areas of Interest

Sociology, Future Studies/Futurology, and Leisure Studies.

Membership Details

International Sociological Association
American Humor Studies Association
Indian Sociological Society

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