University Research Fellowship

University Research Fellowship

Guidelines for University Research Fellowship for Ph.D. Programme at NLU Meghalaya 2023

Eligibility Criteria

The University Fellowship is available to candidates admitted to the Ph.D. Program at NLU Meghalaya for the year 2023 as per the Eligibility Criteria in the Doctor of Philosophy Regulations 2023 of National Law University Meghalaya.

To be eligible for the Fellowship, candidates must have a strong academic record and meet the admission criteria set by the University.

Fellowship applicants must have a well-defined research proposal that aligns with the University's research focus areas, and also if the eligible candidate has qualified through the entrance examination process, if notified.

Application Process

After selection into the Doctoral Programme, the Fellowship will be notified, and applicants must submit a separate Fellowship Application along with a Statement of Purpose (SoP) (maximum 2000 words).

The Fellowship Application should include, among other details, information about the candidate's academic and other achievements (social/work/volunteer etc.), research proposal, and a statement for financial need.

The Fellowship Application deadline / period will be determined and communicated by the University and should be adhered to by all the applicants.

The Fellowship may also entail transfer of an incumbent Research Assistant from an ongoing project to this Fellowship Programme and vice versa.

Selection Process

A Fellowship Selection Committee will be constituted by the Vice Chancellor comprising of the faculty and other officers of the University, to evaluate Fellowship Applications.

The Committee will assess applicants based on academic merit, the quality of the Research Proposal and Statement of Purpose, and financial need.

Shortlisted candidates may be called for an interview or presentation to further assess their suitability for the Fellowship.

Fellowship Benefits

The Institute Fellowship will cover a portion of the Ph.D. program fees, including tuition, registration, and examination fees.

The Fellowship may also provide a stipend or research grant to support the candidate's research work during the Ph.D. program.

The Fellowship may also comprise of waivers and exemptions of any fees as may be determined by the Selection Committee.

Duration of Fellowship

The University Fellowship will typically be awarded for the duration of the Ph.D. Program, subject to the candidate's satisfactory academic progress and compliance with the Fellowship terms and conditions, and provided the applicant does not avail any other Fellowship, which may be withdrawn if the latter condition is met.

Fellowship Renewal

Fellowship recipients are required to maintain a minimum academic performance as specified in the Fellowship terms and conditions to retain the Fellowship.

The Fellowship may be reviewed annually based on the candidate's academic performance and research progress.

Reporting and Accountability

Fellowship recipients are expected to provide regular updates on their research progress to the University and the Doctoral Research Committee.

Any changes in the research proposal or academic status should be promptly communicated to the University.

Termination of Fellowship

The Fellowship may be terminated if the recipient fails to meet the academic and research requirements or violates the Fellowship's terms and conditions or has otherwise left the Doctoral Programme

Disbursement of Funds

Fellowship Funds will be disbursed in accordance with the University's financial procedures and policies.

Fellowship Agreement

Successful Fellowship applicants will be required to sign a Fellowship Agreement outlining the terms and conditions of the award.

These guidelines aim to facilitate the awarding and administration of the University Fellowship for the Ph.D. Programme at NLU Meghalaya in 2023. The University is committed to supporting outstanding doctoral candidates in their research pursuits and academic endeavour.