Travelling Finance Assistance for Students

Academic Placements

  • Academic placements refer to opportunities for students to engage in research assistantships, internships, or any other roles within the university's academic programmes out of the country.
  • Eligibility for academic placements will be based on the student's academic performance, relevant coursework, and recommendations from faculty members.
  • Financial support, full or partial as may be decided, for academic placements may include travel allowance (one round trip), and visa procurement and processing fees, if applied for, and subject to the availability of funds.

Professional Placements

  • Professional placements encompass internships and work experience in any organisation in the domain of law, policy, technology, and any related domain.
  • Eligibility for professional placements will be based on a student's academic performance, relevant coursework, and demonstrated interest in a particular field, and recommendations from faculty members.
  • Financial support, full or partial as may be decided, for professional placements may include travel allowance (one round trip), and visa procurement and processing fees, excluding the travel cost to acquire the same, if applied for, and subject to the availability of funds.

Industry-Related Placements

  • Industry-related placements involve opportunities for students to gain practical experience in sectors related to law, such as finance, policy domain, human rights, environmental law, technology, or any other related field.
  • Eligibility for industry-related placements will be determined based on the relevance of the placement to the student's academic and career goals.
  • Financial support, full or partial as may be decided, for industry-related placements may include travel allowance (one round trip), and visa procurement and processing fees, excluding the travel cost to acquire the same, if applied for, and subject to the availability of funds.

Trimester-Off Programme

  • NLU Meghalaya may offer trimester-off programs that allow students to engage in alternative learning experiences, including internships, research projects, or study abroad programs.
  • Eligibility and financial support, full or partial as may be decided, for the trimester off program will be determined on a case-by-case and need-based basis, considering the academic merits of the proposal and the availability of funds.

Participation in International Events

    • Students may seek financial support to participate in international events such as Moot Court competitions, conferences, seminars, workshops, Model United Nations (MUN), Hackathons, and Skill Development Workshops, among others, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case and need-based basis, subject to the availability of funds.
    • Eligibility for financial support will be based on the relevance of the event to the student's academic and career goals, as well as the potential benefits to the university.
    • Financial support, full or partial as may be decided, for participation in international events may include travel allowance (one round trip), and visa procurement and processing fees, excluding the travel cost to acquire the same, accommodation (limited to a fixed per diem and limited to the number of days of the event, subject to scrutiny by the approving authority) if applied for, and subject to the availability of funds.

    Committee Review

    • A committee will be constituted by the Vice Chancellor, comprising of faculty and officers of the University, to review and evaluate placement and funding requests.
    • The committee will consider the student's academic performance, engagement in university activities, and parental/guardian consent in making placement and funding decisions.
    • These guidelines aim to facilitate the financial assistance for the international placement of undergraduate and postgraduate students at NLU Meghalaya in 2023 and ensure that opportunities for academic, professional, and industry-related growth are accessible to eligible students. The university is committed to supporting its students in their pursuit of excellence in the field of law and related disciplines.