Nirmal Luthra Scholarship

Nirmal Luthra Scholarship


The Nirmal Luthra Scholarship at National Law University Meghalaya aims to provide need-based financial assistance to financially disadvantaged students pursuing undergraduate at the University. The scholarship is designed to cover the entire tuition fees and related expenses for economically weaker students for every academic year. The scholarship is introduced and funded by Shri Sidharth Luthra, Senior Advocate and his wife Smt. Ketaki Goswami, Advocate and their family in the memory of his late mother Smt. Nirmal Luthra (06.06.1925 to 14.01.2020)


Economically Weaker Background: refers to students whose family income falls in Economically Weaker Section (EWS) or Below Poverty Line (BPL) category or such other lower income criteria as determined by the University in consonance with the prescribed guidelines.


Income Certificate:

(a)    The students have to provide income certificate certifying annual income of the student and the family of the student issued by the State or District authorities such as the Village Tehsildar, the Collector, the District Magistrate, the Sub-Divisional Magistrate or the Revenue Circle Officer.

(b)    The certificate / document showing the categorization of the student as EWS/BPL must be issued and countersigned by the competent authority in the States/UTs in which the student and the family are ordinarily resident and must be accompanied by a copy of the Aadhaar Card of the student and the parents / guardians. 

(c)    The student must also attach salary certificates of both owning parents duly certified by the employer as also bank account statements of the student and both parents (all bank accounts). 


Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for Nirmal Luthra Scholarship, a student must meet the following criteria:

·        Be enrolled as a full-time student in a recognised program undergraduate at NLU Meghalaya.

·        Demonstrate financial need, supported by a valid Income Certificate countersigned by the competent authority as specified above and demonstrate domiciliation for those students who fall under the same.

·        These guidelines shall be applicable to all students enrolled in NLU Meg.

·        The students must also undertake that they have not received any other scholarship, aid or financial benefit/ assistance towards entire tuition fee and related expenses from any other source.


Application Process

(a)  Eligible students must submit a formal application for financial assistance during the designated application period, fulfilling the following requirements:

(b)  The application should include all required documentation, including income certificates of the parent/s/guardian/s countersigned by the competent authority.

(c)  Incomplete or late applications may not be considered.

(d)  The approval of financial assistance will cover the academic year only.

(e)  The amount towards tuition fee and other expenses shall be payable to the NLU Meghalaya alongwith the sum of Rs. 5,000/-, which will be disbursed to the student and paid into the bank account of NLU Meghalaya which will appropriate the tuition fee and other expenses on account of the student’s education and hostel stay and a sum of Rs. 5,000/- per month will be disbursed to the student.


Evaluation and Awarding Process

·        Nirmal Luthra Scholarship at NLU Meg's Need-based Financial Aid Committee will review all applications.

·        The Committee will assess financial need based on the information provided in the application and the income certificates.

·        Financial assistance will be awarded on a case-by-case basis, considering the severity of financial need and only if applied for.

Income Certificate Requirement (Explanation)

In cases where one parent is deceased or legally separated, the Income Certificate of the contributing parent must be submitted. Where available, in case of guardianship, the death certificates of both parents must be submitted and/or adoption papers furnished.


All financial information provided by students will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Only authorised personnel involved in the financial aid process will have access to this information.

Award Types

Financial assistance may be awarded in the form of full/partial scholarships, grants, loans, waivers or a combination thereof, as determined by the Financial Aid Committee.

Review and Renewal

·        Students awarded financial assistance will be required to reapply for financial assistance each academic year and submit as enclosures the full academic and extra-curricular record till the date of re-application.

·        Renewal of financial assistance will be contingent on continued financial need and academic performance.

·        The terms of financial assistance will be defined on a case-by-case basis by the approving authority designated for the purpose.

·        Financial assistance for subsequent years following the application for the first year will include academic and extra-curricular performance-based indicators, among any other criteria prescribed therein including re-issuing of income certificates or any other documents, to determine whether the financial assistance merits continuation.