Undergraduate Programmes

Undergraduate Degree Programmes Offered:

  • Bachelor of Arts (Policy Science) and Bachelor of Laws (Hons.) [BA LL.B (Hons.)]
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (FinTech) and Bachelor of Laws (Hons.) [BBA LL.B (Hons.)]
  • Bachelor of Science (Data Science) and Bachelor of Laws (Hons.) [BS LL.B (Hons.)]

Definition of Course Levels in the University:

Level Definition
100s First-year – General Topics, High School Course Prerequisites
200s Second-year – General Topics, 100 Prerequisites
300s Third-year – More narrow topics, 200 and 100 Prerequisite
400s Fourth-year – 300 Prerequisite
500s Specialised Courses - 400 Prerequisite or Graduation
600s More Specialised Courses – 400 Prerequisite or Graduation
700s Highly Specialised Courses – 500 and 600 Prerequisite [PhD level Courses]

Structure and Credit Load of Undergraduate Programmes:

    Domain & Law (Hons) Domain & Law (Hons) & Double Minor Domain & Law (Hons) * Major & Minor Domain & Law (Hons) * Double Major
Non-Taught Courses (A)
Term Paper (T) 0 0 8 0
Viva Voce (V) 0 4 4 0
Advisory Support Courses (A) 10 10 10 10
Seminar Courses (S) 10 10 10 10
Internship (I) 30 30 30 30
Sub Total (A) 70 74 82 90
Subject Level Taught Courses (B)
100 Foundation Courses (F) 18 18 18 18
200-300 Core Courses (D) 60 60 60 60
Core Courses (L) 72 72 72 72
300-400 Depth Electives Domain Courses (DED) 16 16 16 16
Depth Electives Law Courses (DEL) 24 24 24 24
Open Electives Domain Courses (OED) 8 8 8 8
Open Electives Law Courses (OEL) 12 12 12 12
Additional Core Courses (ACD) 0 4 6 8
Additional Core Courses (ACL) 0 2 6 8
500-600 Additional Electives Courses (AED) 0 4 8 12
Addl. Electives Courses (AEL) 0 6 8 12
Sub Total (B) 210 226 238 250
Grand Total (A+B) 280 300 320 340

Important Notes:

  • To obtain a minor and major degree in the above programmes, students must express their interest in writing to their Faculty Advisor at the beginning of their fourth year.
  • Students must have a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 7.00 out of 10.00 at the end of their third year along with no backlogs to be eligible for major and minor degrees.
  • Option for major and minor degrees can be obtained for both the domain and in law.
  • To complete the Undergraduate Degree Programme, students are required to accumulate the following credits over a period of five years:
    • BA/BBA/BS L.L.B (Hons.): 280 credits;
    • BA/BBA/BS LLB (Hons.) with a Double Minors: 300 credits;
    • BA/BBA/BS LLB (Hons.) with Major and Minor: 320 credits;
    • BA/BBA/BS LLB (Hons.) with Double Majors: 340 credits.

Course Definitions:

  • Foundation Courses: These are mandatory courses for all undergraduate students admitted to the University. The difficulty level of these courses will be 100.
  • Core Courses: These are mandatory courses for students in a particular academic Programme. The difficulty level of these courses will be 200 - 300. Additional Core Courses of difficulty 300-400 will be offered for students opting for Double Minors or Major & Minor or Double Majors.
  • Depth Elective Courses: A student may elect to study these courses to fulfill their credit requirements in a particular branch (es), i.e., field of Double Minors or Major & Minor, or Double Majors. The difficulty level for these courses will be 300 - 400, and for Double Minors, Major & Minor, additional depth electives of difficulty 400 - 500 will be offered.
  • Pen Elective Courses: These are courses the students may choose for any given specialization (Policy, Management or Data Science). The difficulty level for these courses will be 300 – 400.

Non-Taught Courses:

  • Moot Court: A simulated court and arbitration proceedings evaluated by Judge(s) comprising of faculty members.
  • Client Counselling: Simulated environment where students will learn to assist clients, identify goals, and improve communication.
  • Negotiations: Simulated environment where students learn the skills and techniques of negotiations.
  • Judicial Writing: Skill of writing judgments in a simulated environment based on a set of facts.
  • Legislative Drafting: Skill of legislative drafting on a given domain.
  • Advisory Support Courses: Creative, performance or fieldwork-based assignments evaluated by faculty members.
  • Seminar: Presentations on specific themes, evaluated based on performance and written reports.
  • Term Paper: A major written assignment submitted at the end of a trimester.
  • Viva-Voce: Oral evaluation by the concerned faculty members.
  • Dissertation: Major research assignment submitted at the end of the academic programme.

Last updated on 8th January, 2025

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